Tuesday, April 22, 2008


So its Tuesday, and life is back to the way it was. Alexandria was great. Here is a recap:

  • Spent some time bumming around at Cassie's parent's old house before they move.
  • Spent a lot of time out doors.
  • Spent time at the local Walmart, Target and the mall. The 3 hot spots in town haha.
  • Spent time with friends that I don't see often.
  • Spent time hanging out at City Park.
  • Spent time in St. Cloud.
All in all it was a good time. Especially on the fact that we don't have a lot of money right now. Bills seem to be adding up which really sucks and Wells Fargo decided to be retarded and hit us with over 200 dollars in overdraft fees, which really blows. I guess every time a charge goes through after I am in the negative $34 dollars gets charged no matter how much the charge was.

Also got a new cat, well not new, but new to the apartment. It's my baby Aslan. One of Cassie's cat's kittens that I claimed and left at Cassie's parents' house for ages. Now he is home with Cassie, Scarlett, and I. Hopefully he becomes less shy than he has been so far.

Pictures to come when I get a chance to look through the ones Cassie took.

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