Sunday, August 17, 2008


So it's starting to hit me, vacation is coming up. Its like 26 days away or something like that. Starting to get a little anxious. Also a little nervious. I am afraid that I am going to forget something and we aren't going to be able to get on the ship. I guess that's what I get for booking everything on my own. Oh well I am probably going to call Carnival and just double check what all I need. The website says all I need to do is print off the FunPass documents and bring my passport but something tells me that there might be something more. Oh well.

I got another Halo tattoo. I like it. Some people probably think I am retarded for getting video game tattoos. But oh well.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Ugh update to vacation

So sadly we had to cut like half of the trip due to the fact we are bad with money and can't seem to save anything. So here is the new trip details.

Sep 14-18
Flight : $586
Cruise (Sep.14 @ 4:00 p.m.): $770
Extra Cash: $1000
Total: $2356
Paid to Date: $1356
Still Need: $1000